

Our Vision for IT and Computing at Jupiter Primary School

Computing at Jupiter is a vital part of the school curriculum which equips our children with the skills to become successful citizens. There is a good investment in technology so that children feel confident and skilled in their use of it. Children can access a variety of devices (computers, laptops, tablets, coding hardware etc.) and we keep up to date with evolving technology and software.  Staff feel confident in their delivery of lessons due to regular and up to date training. They use IT as a tool in the classroom, effectively modelling its use in a variety of situations.

Lessons are taught discretely, with opportunities to further develop and apply skills with use of Chromebooks from within the classroom. The curriculum is fluid so that it changes to support the learning, needs and passions of the children. Apps and programs are up to date and in line with the needs of the children. Dedicated hardware supports children with additional needs. Opportunities for ICT are woven throughout the curriculum. For example, computing links closely with PSHE and RSE. Teaching of online safety ensures children develop a solid understanding of how to keep themselves safe online.

Learning in computing is enjoyed across the school. Teachers have high expectations and quality evidence is presented in a variety of forms. Children use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, alongside a progression in their technical skills. They are confident using a range of hardware and software and produce high-quality, purposeful products. Children see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make. They are confident and respectful digital citizens, going on to lead happy and healthy digital lives.

Our IT and Computing Curriculum

Technology is ever changing and evolving. Through teaching computing we equip our children to participate in a rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. 

We use structured sequences of lessons to ensure all skills required to meet the aims of the National Curriculum.  Our subject teaching allows for a broad and deep understanding of computing and how it links to children’s lives. It offers a range of consolidation, challenge and variety. The children are given the opportunity to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science. We aim to develop analytical problem-solving skills and learn to evaluate and apply information technology. We want to enable the children to become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information technology.

Lessons contain revision, analysis and problem solving. By using a sequence of lessons we build confidence in our teachers and help secure a love of learning around the digital world, whilst emphasising the need for safety. The lessons build on prior knowledge as well as introducing new skills and challenges. In KS1, the focus is on developing the use of algorithms, programming and how technology can be used safely and purposefully. In KS2, lessons still focus on algorithms, programming and coding but in a more complex way and for different purposes. Children also develop their knowledge of computer networks, internet services and the safe and purposeful use of the internet and technology. Data Handling is featured more heavily in UKS2. Skills learnt through KS1 and LKS2 are used to support data presentation.

Online Safety

We would like to take a moment to inform you about your child's access to Google accounts and email outside of the school, in line with our newly revised Online Safety policy.

As part of our commitment to providing a safe and secure digital learning environment, we would like to inform you that pupils have the capability to access their Google accounts and emails outside of school. This access allows them to continue their educational journey beyond the classroom and enhance their learning experiences.

However, with this increased access comes the responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of our pupils online. It is essential that parents and guardians play an active role in monitoring their child's online activities closely. To help you in this regard, we kindly request that you familiarise yourselves with the guidelines outlined in our Online Safety policy (located on our school website). This policy serves as a comprehensive resource for promoting safe and responsible technology use both at school and at home.

We would like to thank all those parents who have completed and returned the acceptable online user agreement. If you have not yet had the opportunity to review and return the agreement, we kindly ask that you do so at your earliest convenience. Printed copies are available at the school's front office if needed.

We are committed to ensuring that your child's online learning experience is not only enriching but also safe. By working together and staying informed, we can create a positive digital environment that benefits all of our pupils.

If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding online safety, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by emailing We are here to support you every step of the way.


General Date  
Computing progression of skills 15th Nov 2022 Download
Curriculum journey 15th Nov 2022 Download
Computing policy what we do and why 15th Nov 2022 Download
Computing curriculum overview of topics... 15th Nov 2022 Download