
Reception Blog

Welcome to the Reception Blog!

Every Friday we will be uploading a weekly overview of what we have learnt, and any exciting news we want to share with you. 

18th October 2024 

It was so nice to see lots of you are parent's evening this week, you should all be really proud of your children and how well they have taken to life at Jupiter. 

Both classes went on a nature walk. We were making observations about the trees and the changes that we can see due to the season. The children were thinking of questions that we will answer next week such as "Why do some leaves stay green?" , "How old are the trees?" and "What is the name of the tree?". The children have been drawing and painting pictures of pumpkins and squash and closely looking at what they can see on the inside. We also made a potion tuff tray and the children were scooping, pouring and using pipettes.

In Maths, we have been subitising to 4! We are looking at pictures of items up to 4 and also images of dots in different representations. The children have to quickly show us on their fingers how many they can see and also say the number. We have been exploring different representations of 4.  



This week we have taught five more sounds and are now blending with the sounds we know. We use letters and boards to make words and read them! We have sent home flashcards, you can cut these up and use them in the same way at home. We have attached links to the individual sounds and blending videos so you can see what we do in school. 

e -

l -

h -

r -

j  -

Learning to blend at home 

1 -

2 -

3 -

Below is a link to a Set 1 homework booklet, if you require a printed copy, please just let us know. 



Friday 25th October is Rockstar day - dress up as a rockstar. 

Friday 25th October Buddy assembly 9:00

Friday 25th October end of Autumn 1 

Best wishes,

The Reception Team

11th October 2024

This week we have learnt another 5 new sounds. The ‘c’ and ‘k’ make the same phoneme but we spoke about how they are used for different spellings. The children have tried hard with some challenging letter formations this week. 

c -

k -

u -

b -

f -


Our Talk for Writing text this week has been ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We have enjoyed listening to the story and created the 5 sentence story map. 

In Maths this week, we have been learning the composition of numbers; what they are made from. We talked about how 3 is 1 and another 1 and another 1. We also found different ways to make an amount using our fingers or counting objects. Some children used the Numicon resources and cubes in the Tough Trays outside. 

During the afternoons, we have been drawing pictures of who lives in our home and talking about special people in our families. We have also been playing team games such as passing pompoms on spoons or building cork towers. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week. Remember, we have Parents Evening on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Best wishes,

The Reception Team

4th October 2024

This week we have learnt five new sounds. We have been working on drawing lines down the paper to help with our letter formation as we often have to start at the top and draw a line down, for example -  ‘down the tower’, ‘down the insect’ or ‘down the pirate’. Please watch the videos and support your child to form the letters at home by having a go at writing them. 

i -

n -

p -

g -

o -

In literacy we told the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ and used our story map to turn it into a five sentence story. The children came up with actions to help them remember the words as they said them. 

In maths, we have been helping teach ‘Counting Bear’ the correct way to count as he often makes mistakes. We know we need to say the numbers in the correct order, touch or move each object only once and remember to stop. We have also been clapping and playing the drum to show that we can also count sounds and not just objects. 

On Friday, we got to meet our Year 6 Buddies. The children have been paired up with a child in Year 6 to act as their mentor/buddy for their first year at Jupiter. In a few weeks, there will be an assembly where the children will introduce themselves and you are invited.

Best wishes

The Reception Team

27th September 2024

What a wonderful end to our week, it was nice to have so many of you be able to join us for lunch today. We hope you enjoyed it!

This week we have begun teaching phonics, the children learn a sound a day and now we know five sounds, we can begin to blend! I have attached the links to each sound and also a blending video. Please sit with your children and watch these at home so you know how we teach phonics in school and you child can have another go at writing the sounds at home. 

m -

a -

s -

d -

t -

Blending -

In maths we are subitising - this is where we instantly spot a pattern of 1, 2 or 3 and say the corresponding number to the amount. We have been calling out different amounts of 1, 2 or 3 and getting the children to show us that many with their fingers or make the amount with counters. 

Our topic is 'All about me' and the children have been discussing what makes them special and unique and discussing how we look. The children painted self portraits and these are now on display in the classrooms. Take a look at the photos below to see their fantastic work!

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IMG 7340

Best wishes

The Reception Team

20th September 2024

This week the adults have completed the baseline assessments with all of the children. 

Next week, we will begin teaching our phonics sessions where we teach a sound a day. In the blog post next week, we will include video links so you can watch these at home with your children and have a go at saying and writing the sounds. 

Below are some video links to our 'Fred' games. We watch these daily in school and Fred is helping us to learn to read. It is important that children can hear the sounds in a word and blend it back together. You can play Fred games at home, in the car, out shopping or in the park!

Our Talk for Writing text this week was Goldilocks, each class learnt the story and retold it with actions following the five sentence story plan. Please see the story map below and see if your child can remember it!

The children have enjoyed spending time outside while we still have the nice weather. We have been setting up different equipment in our Early Years garden such as climbing equipment and have been impressed with how well the children line up and patiently wait their turn. We have all enjoyed using the parachute to play some parachute games with our friends too!

At home, it would be helpful if you could encourage your children to dress and undress themselves. Specifically having a go at taking off jumpers and tops and trying to undo buttons. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Best wishes

The Reception Team - Mr Brown and Miss Gillingham 

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13th September 2024

We have had a busy first full week back at school. The children have been getting to know routines and have spoken about classroom rules. It has been lovely getting to know all of the children and watching them interact with their new friends. The children have had a go at writing their names and we will continue to practise this. Everybody had a fun first P.E session and did a great job getting changed, please remember to name all items of clothing

Each week this half term, we are learning to tell a story. In Hedgehogs, they have been learning 'The Three Little Pigs' and in Rabbit class they told 'Billy Goats Gruff'. In Reception, we often learn to tell a 'Five sentence story' using the sentence starters - Once upon a time.... Early one morning... Unfortunately..... Luckily.... Finally... . Look at the images of the story maps below and listen to your child retell their class story. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Best wishes

The Reception Team - Mr Brown and Miss Gillingham 


7th September 2024

Welcome to all of our families! The children have settled very well and it has been lovely spending time with each and every one of them over the last few days. It has been great to see how confident and settled the children are already. Myself and Mr Brown and all of the Reception team and feeling very proud. 

Some of the children have been sharing their news from the Summer which has been lovely. The have stood up and spoken about their items or what they got up to. 

Please remember that the children need a named water bottle in school which can only have water in. Please also name any items of clothing!

Next Wednesday (11th September) at 3pm, after dismissing the children, we are hosting a 'Meet the Teacher' session where you can pop in and say 'Hello'. We will be sending out a Reception Newsletter with key information, dates and reminders soon. 

Thank you for your support and we look forward to communicating with you all throughout the year.

Best wishes

The Reception - Mr Brown and Miss Gillingham